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Sunday, April 30, 2006

"OMG-Someone Killed Kenny-It Was Those Bastards @ 'FOX Saturday Baseball' "

As the Major League Baseball Season is underway, we are getting familiar with our teams & our teams’ Radio & TV Commentators. I love watching & listening to Don Orsillo & Jerry Remy (NESN-Red Sox), Gary (& it’s outta here) Cohen, Keith Hernanadez & Ron Darling (SNY-Mets), & Mr Vincent Scully in Los Angeles, as well as Mr Jon Miller in San Francisco & Mr Dave Henderson in Seattle.

Red Sox Fans in the New York Metropolitan Area, this week, will have to put up with the Braying Blohard, Michael “Y2” Kay, the Consumate Shill on the yankees TV Offering called, officially, YES, but for Red Sox & Mets Fans, it’ll simply be called “NO”.

But, Baseball will get a shock to its’ system, on Saturday, May 20th, 2006 @ 1:00PM, EDT. The New York & New England Region will get its’ 1st Shock & survive it, with gales of laughter. The Mets face the yankees, in the 1st Telecast of “FOX Saturday Baseball”, now in its’ 11th Season, & how it got through those years, I have no idea.

“Mime In The Rock Band, has made some noise”;
“In the time it took to play this game, I could have flown from Baltimore to Iceland”;
“You led me into it-I didn’t say a thing”;
“They needed a Derrick, to get Jeter out”;
“This is the biggest give-up at bat”;
“I caught Steve Carlton-I know what I’m talking about”;
“If a pitcher is tough to hit, he’s tough to umpire”;
“Brandon Arroyo & Pedro Martinez will start Game 2”;
“They call it a high & inside pitch because the arms are attached to the shoulder.”

I ask you all out there:
Which of these comments by Tim Mc Carver, will kill Kenny on “South Park”?

“Get some oxygen, Tim; you’re out of breath”;
“Ohhhhh, & rips one into Right Center Field; take your words back; Up against the wall & Koo is going to think about a triple & will hold with a double”;
“I was in Ga Ga Land, too”;
“How long, Tim before we hear about the Handsome, Swashbuckling, Dashing, Debonnaire, Derek Jeter”?

Which sarcastic comments will Joe Buck make, which will Kill Kenny on “South Park”?

Click on The Title & read a send-up of the “FOX Saturday Baseball” Genre.

We all need a few laughs. Thanks!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

A Weekly Post Editorial On Ballpark-Naming Rights Obsession

Click on the Title to see what I'm writing about.

The 2 MLB Teams here in NYC, the NL Mets & The AL yankees, are about to embark on building new stadiums for themselves, next to their existing facilities.

Shea Stadium, State Of The Art for 1964 as a Multi-Purpose Stadium, is used primarily for Baseball, but has better Football Sightlines(I should know, as I've watched The Jets there, as well as 1 NY Giants Game). Ever get the obstructed Section 23-Mezzanine for Seats? That used to be the 30 Yard Line for AFL & NFL Games. But that Upper Level is so high up, that one could wave to Pilots, on final approach to LaGuardia Airport. Upper Level's Height is higher than Tier in Yankee Stadium. Tier in Yankee Stadium, is more-akin to the height of Shea's Mezzanine.

Yankee Stadium will be built in the adjoining Macoombs Dam Park. The existing stadium is over 80 years old. It was renovated for 2 1/2 years, before reopening in 1976. It is, essentially, the 1923 ballpark, updated to the 1970s'. The field & lower level seats of the old stadium, will remain in place, as a community baseball facility.

Now is the part about stadium naming rights.In Philadelphia, the Phillies Park is called Citizen's Bank; In San Francisco, the Giants home park is AT & T Park;
In Chicago, the White Sox play @ US Cellular Field;

Now the yankees plan to keep the name of their park, Yankee Stadium. Then again, with all their Marketing Sponsors, they could afford to keep the traditional name.

Actually, Mr Dunbar(Thanks, Jere) had plans for the City of New York to build him a new yankee playpen. It was Fred Wilpon & Company, who had plans to build the new Mets Park, using private financing, with only the City & State of New York, making contributions for infrastructure(Roads & improved MTA Subway & Railroad Station Facilities). The plans were put on hold just after 9/11, until now. Mr Dunbar is now using the Mets plans for his way of expediting the building of his new stadium.

The Mets Ball Park, will be modeled after Ebbett's Field in Brooklyn, home of the Brooklyn Dodgers, only with 44,000 seats, wide concourses, luxury boxes, climate controlled restaurants.

On April 15th, 1947, the Colour Line in Baseball was broken, when Jackie Robinson started @ 2nd Base for Brooklyn at Ebbett's Field.

In 1997, on the 50th Anniversary of that milestone, Jackie Robinson's #42 was retired throughout all of Major League Baseball, @ a Pre-Game Ceremony @ Shea Stadium, before Mets-Dodgers. Those players, who were wearing #42, before that date, could continue to wear that number until their retirement from Baseball, & no club could ever reissue that Uniform # to any player.

Only one player wears #42 at this time & he belongs to Mr Dunbar's Team. Let's just say, he blew 2 Save Chances in Games 4 & 5 of the '04 ALCS.

The yankees announced that their stadium will retain its' traditional name. The Mets haven't announced anything yet, in regards to the naming of the new ball park.

Enter The NY Post:

Tie The Kangaroo Down;

They are owned by News Corporation, headquartered in The Land Down Under. A subsidiary, News America Corporation, controls U.S. Operations, which include 20th Century FOX Studios, FOX Broadcasting Company, FOX Sports, FOX News, an Interest in TV Guide, The News Magazine "The Weekly Standard", several Television Stations, which include WNYW(FOX)5 & WWOR(My)9 in NY as well as several other stations & the Ubiqtuous NY Post.

There are the Cable Channels, such as FOX Movie Channel, FX & FOX Sports Net;
The expansion of FOX Sports Net, came when FOX bought 40% of SportsChannel NY & Madison Square Garden Network + NY Knickerbockers(NBA), NY Rangers(NHL) & NY Liberty(WNBA), as Cablevision had SportsChannel Networks, in several other cities, so the FOX Sports Net Brand grew leaps & bounds. FOX Sports Net had 19 MLB Teams under contract, in 1998.

But, since then, a # of teams formed their own networks, not relying on FOX Sports Net, as the money is better when the teams own their own TV rights.

The NY Mets, in the #1 TV Market, have launched their own network, called Sportsnet New York(SNY), which has a New England Sports Network(NESN)feel to it.

FOX Sports Net-NY(FSN-NY), lost their TV rights, after so many years.
Now, the Post, part of this News Corporation Empire, is a sponsor of Note, for DFyankees. News Corporation once owned the LA Dodgers, but sold the team after losing a ton of money.

In the past 2 Weeks, The Post Editorial Page has been dedicated to haranging the NY Mets into naming the new Mets Ball Park for Jackie Robinson, with no corporate sponsors.

I haven't seen this kind of braying from the Post, in a long time. These guys are using the "Mc Carver Tactic" of going on & on, until someone shouts "Shut Up, Tim."

Two Editorials on Stadium Naming? You're a sponsor of DFyankees? Your company lost The Mets Cable TV Rights?

Your company owned the Dodgers & blew it.

No doubt, it's a wonderful thing to name a Ballpark for Jackie Robinson, who was also part of The Corporate World(Chock Full Of Nuts Coffee), as he did blaze a path for MLB Players of all Races, to play that Great Game of Baseball. But, I also suspect that since Cablevision/Fox Sports Net lost the Mets TV Rights, the Post is playing a High-Minded Role, to conceal the seething feelings of rage for your company's programming loss.

& be prepared to be a Section Sponsor of The Jackie Robinson Park. For The NY Post & News Corporation, it's time to put up(The Cash) or shut up.

& Get rid of "Scooter The Talking Baseball" & Tim's Hair Dye, while you're at it.

All those promotions with Derek Jeter in them, reveals your true corporate loyalties.


Monday, April 24, 2006

Matt Clement Is A-Frightening

A "Wild Man" if ever I've seen one(Victor Zambrano?), now he looks bad in 1st half of season. Thank goodness for Jon Papelbon & a recovering Foulke, or I would go mad.

Professor Thoms's was crowded(Click on title to go to Site). Last Sunday(Easter) had a crowd of 20.

Saturday, was at Harrison's @ W. 77th St & Amsterdam Avenue, A Red Sox Friendly Place, which will be moving to Greenwich Village, in the late spring.

On Saturday Night, went to Kew Club, in Kew Gardens for a few drinks. Ran into 3 Female Flight Attendants & shot some pool. Two of them got into a Liplock Session with each other. Now I know why Howard Stern is so fascinated with Lesbians.

But that would sound sexist. I did, however, have a good time. We even hugged each other, warmly.

Why, Oh Why was Pedro Let Go?

Monday, April 17, 2006

"One Without The Other Is Nullified"

“One Without The Other Is Nullified”

Happy Resurrection Season!

Easter is another word for Spring. What Easter is today, is the Commemoration of The Rising of Jesus Christ from the Dead.

In effect, Easter brings forth new life in the Springtime. Passover takes place in The Spring.

It was the 1st Night of Passover, when The Last Supper took place. Jesus Christ gathered his disciples into a room & they had a Seder.

Seder means “Order” in Hebrew. Christ & The Apostles commemorated what happened in Egypt & to why Jews fled Egypt. The Jews worshipped God The Father, as did The Apostles.

Jesus Christ was a Jew. For any Christian to hate Jews, means that One Hates Christ. Jesus’ Father is God The Father, hence He is God The Son.

He was betrayed by Judas, The Treasurer Of The Apostles. Judas went to The Sanhedrin, the Jewish Rulers, namely The Chief Priests & Scribes. Now the Chief Priests & Scribes were used to POWER & how they could exercise their influence & power, by coming up with rules on how to be a Kosher Jew. There are 612 rules for each Jew to follow. But, as these people thought of themselves as a proverbial power of God, they found ways of getting out of ways of Mercy & Justice with these Laws. They were, in effect, the 1st Lawyers. The Christ pointed out their hypocrisy. This p----d them off, as the phonies that they really were.

Judas was discovered to be a thief & decided to turn Jesus over to the Sanhedrin, “The Sopranos” of their day. Like The Mafia, The Sanhedrin did NOT like competition. The Sanhedrin believed that they were the ONLY way to God.

The Christ came into Jerusalem, a Hero. By Thursday of That Week, he was a criminal & needed to be done away with.

He was led away on Holy Thursday & executed on Good Friday by the Roman Government, as The Sanhedrin knew that it didn't have that state power, though they wished that they did. The Romans had to execute The Christ, so as to keep the peace with the Treacherous Sanhedrin. When I remembered Good Friday as a child, I wondered why it was called “Good Friday.”

I realized that a man had been led away & executed for no earthly reason, other than he had p----d off some high-powered politicians, who were corrupt & power-mad.

But the Work of Redemption & Salvation was accomplished on this Most-Important Day, as Heaven was opened for the 1st Time since Adam & Eve’s time. The Stage was set for The Resurrection on the 1st Day of The Week.

The Tomb could not hold The Christ, Who Rose in a Glorified Body.

Hence, on The Day of The Resurrection, there for Western Christians on Sunday, 04/16, there was Great Rejoicing. For we who are Catholics, The Gloria was resoundingly sung & The Chant of Joy was Restored to The Gospel Acclamation.

This caused some tears, as this chain of events is so powerful. I was 1 of 6 Ushers at The 11:00 AM High Mass, which was so packed, as if it was Opening Weekend @ Shea Stadium, or Bat Day @ Yankee Stadium, or any game @ Fenway Park. Many regular Parishioners could not get seats.

There is a saying among Ushers, that the “A & P” Catholics (Ash Wednesday & Palm Sunday), are in full bloom on Easter & Christmas. They will complain that Mass is too long & they don’t come out @ any other time of the year. They miss the point of the whole celebration of Catholic Christianity, by being absent the rest of the year. & Mass is shorter on other Sundays & Holy Days of Obligation.

A child called Anthony, age 10, was confused at Communion Time. He was challenged by an Extraordinary Minister of The Eucharist. He had to be prompted on how to respond when receiving The Body Of Christ. I believe that I have seen him before & that he was a Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contestant in January of this year, @ Blessed Sacrament-Cypress Hills, Brooklyn.

One thing noticed is that the “A & P” Catholics leave Mass immediately after receiving Communion, even though Mass isn’t over, whereas it’ll soon be over. It’s not good form to leave Mass until the Priest leaves the Altar.
The Conclusion of The Resurrection (Or Easter) Season is Pentecost Sunday. On that day, The Apostles were sent The Holy Spirit, as promised by The Christ, to go forth & make Disciples of all nations, Fearlessly. It is called “The Birthday Of The Church.”

For Easter Without Good Friday, would just be another “Festivus” or Spring Celebration Day. One cannot exist without The Other. & since Jesus & the Apostles were Jews, remember Passover, the Context in which the Greatest of Christian Seasons, occurs.

He Is Risen!

Click to a Favorite Catholic Web Site from the Title Above.The Pastor of that Parish in Queens, gives such marvelous Homilies.



Friday, April 14, 2006

A Blast From Past & Present

Red Sox 2-Seattle Mariners 1:

Schilling was the Schilling of Old & Effective, as Ichiro Suzuki went 0-4;
Papelbon saved it.

I was watching MLB TV online. I fully expected to see DO & RemDawg on NESN. Instead it was FOX Sports Net-Pacific Northwest & was wondering why a West Coast Feed, here online in Queens?

The Play-By-Play Man was professional & an easy listen. So when the Red Sox wrapped it up, I went to the Seattle Mariners Page to find out who this guy is.

Picture his past:
Game 6 of the 1986 World Series, 10th Inning, Shea Stadium, Rick Aguilera on the mound for the Mets, on Red Sox man on 1st;

I was following tonight's game through the voice & eyes of none other than Dave "Hendu" Henderson, he who homered to give the '86 Sox the 5-3 lead in Game 6.

Don't be surprised at any links to 1986 or 2004, for those Baseball memories are vivid. Red Sox Memories of Past & Present, were really alive for me tonight.

Click to Mariners Website to the section on Broadcasters & catch a Blast From '86. '86 makes one appreciate '04 even more.

Thanks! Happy Passover & Resurrection Season to all.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Summer In NY & Sometimes In New England

“The Voice Of Summer In NY & Sometimes In New England”

“Heeeeeee Struck him out”;
“We’ll be back for The Happy Recap In Just a moment”;
“Fasten Your Seat Belts-we’re going to the 9th Inning”;
“Mets win the damn game 10-9”;

For 42 Summers in NY, Bob Murphy uttered 3 of the 4 above phrases. The 4th one was said in 1990, when the Mets won 10-9 over the Phillies & ONLY Once.

I was reading a NY Mets Blog & it was mentioned that “The Murph” was on “Special Assignment.” It was in his Mets Contract, that he could do a handful of Boston Red Sox Games on TV-Radio.

Murphy was on Red Sox TV & Radio with Curt Gowdy, from the 1954 through 1959 Seasons. If ever there was a Baseball Hall of Fame Radio-TV Booth, that was it.

In the Red Sox Booth in the ‘86 World Series, mercifully NOT carried by FOX, The Elegant Mr Ken Coleman & The Current Voice of New England, Mr Joseph Castiglione, provided Play-By-Play & Commentary. On the WHN Mets Radio Network, The Elegant “Voice of Summer In NY”, Mr Robert Allen Murphy, set the scene. For “The Murph”, he who called the games for Both teams over the years, Game 6 must’ve really been special.

“It gets by Buck-Ner” was his exclamation. In September, 2003, Murphy retired. In March, ‘04, he would call one last game, in ill health. On 8/3/04, he died of Lung Cancer. Curt Gowdy would deliver a stirring story of Bob, on WFAN. By this March, Curt would be gone, too.

Life goes on, but oh those memories! Click on title to go to Bob Murphy Memories. Thanks!

& to think that he was relegated only to radio to make room for Tim Mc Carver;


Sunday, April 09, 2006

The Red Sox, Mets & A Step Dance

T'was the soft day! Mets were rained out at Shea Stadium.

I went to "The Hairy Monk" at E. 25th Street & 3rd Avenue.
I had a bit to eat & drink.
Watched Scilling & Papelbon, pitch a gem of a game.
Red Sox defeated The Baltimore Orioles 2-1.

Watched a replay of last night's Mets-Marlins Game where Mets won 9-3.

Got some nice entertainment as Wee Irish Laddies & Lasses did an Irish Pub Step Dance Tour, which hit the Monk about 9PM.

T'was enjoyable & I shed a tear of joy.
The Niall O'Leary School of Irish Dance commandeered the area by the bar & performed to the delight of the patrons.

Click on the title & read about Niall's endevor.



Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Freaking yankees Posers

“Poser Jackass-yankees Cap Wearing”

A Question which I ask every Baseball Season is, just how many people are mere posers by wearing a yankees cap? You know that cap by the spidery interlocking NY on the Navy-Blue Cap.

Just how many of these people have been up to East 161st Street & River Avenue in The Bronx? I don’t think their parents would let them on the 4 Train.

If anybody really knows the yankees’ crowds, they are basically a New Jersey & Upstate Suburban crowd. One never really sees anyone get on the Subway to Queens or Brooklyn in regards to this team.

A # of yankees Posers go to Shea Stadium, to create havoc for NY Mets & Boston Red Sox Fans, who will actually watch a team which they root for. Red Sox Nation is an honorary part of NY Mets Province & always welcome @ Shea Stadium. yankees “Fans” are as welcome at Shea Stadium & Fenway Park, as Hitler is, in a Jewish Neighborhood.

On one “FOX Saturday Baseball” telecast, the Insufferable Mr Timothy Mc Carver, perhaps auditioning for the “NO” Network, the television network of the yankees, made one of his dumb, pedantic observations that Red Sox Fans are “Bandwagon Fans.” Of course, Tim dared not say that in regards to yankees “Fans”, so as not to spoil his audition. derek jeter loves all that adulation, heaped on him, by Tim The Dim Bulb.

Note that in regards to the yankees, in a technique borrowed from Rebecca from “Reb Sox” & Jere from “A Red Sox Fan In Pinstriped Territory”, the name “yankees” will not be capitalized, nor will I call the yankees tv network by its’ proper acronym, hence the word “NO” to describe that network.

In my experience, you won’t find any real New Yorkers from The 4 Other Boroughs of N Y C. You may find Manhattan Residents, who usually come from another part of the world, who will go to that part of The Bronx.

Shea Stadium is where the real people go. Let the tourists pose in The Bronx.
& may the denizens of Fenway & Shea, have a great year.

Click to Jere’s Blog on the title. Thanks! It’s good reading.

The Start of '06 MLB

“Give It Time-The Season Is Young”

As you know, Curt Schilling had a wonderful outing & a Win in the Red Sox Opener against the Texas Rangers, the 2nd Rendition of the Washington Senators, which were once owned by George W. Bush.

Unfortunately, the Knuckle Ball of Tim Wakefield, didn’t dance around the plate & the Red Sox got clobbered, 10-4. But remember that the season is young & one need not cry in their beer yet.

Tommy Glavine won his Season Opener with the Mets on Monday. Brian Bannister, a rookie, will take to the hill tonight for the Mets. Tomorrow Night is Pedro Martinez on the hill for the Mets @ Shea Stadium.

The Yankees will NOT win a World Series this year. Can anyone here say the reason? Is the reason spelled “ A-L-E-X R-O-D-R-I-G-U-E-Z”?

The Season is Young. Enjoy!

Just remember the Worst Day on the Baseball Schedule is Saturday, May 20th, ‘06. That ‘s the day when “FOX Saturday Baseball” returns, with all-new “Mc Carver-isms.” Hey, he caught Steve Carlton so he thinks that he knows what he’s talking about. And Buck will be brimming with smart a-- remarks.

So enjoy N E S N, S N Y, & wherever you watch your team. Did I forget about the “NO” Network with Michael Y2Kay. It must have been a deliberate oversight.

Click on title to go to Peter N’s Blog. Enjoy!


Monday, April 03, 2006

MicroFRAUD Part II

The Story of Windows for DOS is on this site. Click the Title. Bill G only developed a lust for cash & that's it.



“Those Aren’t Microsoft Windows, Are They”

The answer is a resounding “No.”

Bill Gates was asked to develop an operating system for the I B M Personal Computer or “PC” for short. He had no real plan in place, so he licensed a ripped off version of the Disk Operating System from Seattle Computer Products. S C P ripped off the code & design from one Gary Kildall, the creator of the D O S System. Gates licensed the pirated version for $50,000 and brought their chief coder over to Microsoft.

IBM has an operating system called MS DOS. Gates kept the rights to it. Next, he had to make D O S as easy to use as the Apple II Computer, the LISA & the Macintosh. A 3rd Party Developer came up with the drop down columns & windows. The company , called Nisus Software, developed the Windows for D O S.

Nisus Software now creates a great word processing program for the Macintosh, both in OS X & Classic Platforms and has for almost 20 years.

Microsoft’s next big move was to create a Graphical User Interface for its’ Windows system, so they licensed parts of the Macintosh OS, by threatening to stop production of Microsoft Word for the Macintosh. Microsoft Engineers reverse-engineered Mac Code to create this ease of use fantasy.

There is a pattern here. Microsoft develops NOTHING. It’s always someone else’s work.

Their D O S Based Windows OS is unsteady. It’s junk. They only thing they have developed is a lust for cold cash.

They want to be the Enterprise System for Business. So they come up with a system called New Technology or N T for short. But when it was being developed, its’ code base was a bit over 30 years old. It was based on the system called Multics, a system so bad that A T & T had to develop a new system in 1969 called UNIX. Multics supported Virtual Memory Server or V M S. Multics once caused a downturn in the software industry & here was Microsoft trying to pass it off as New Technology and it is older than D O S. To give the new system, Windows N T that Windows Look, a Windows 95 shell was bolted onto the new system. N T 4.0 was rolled out in 1996.

Enterprises and Governments were encouraged to use this so called new system. But it was Windows & not noted for reliability. Do you see a propensity in regards to Microsoft and junk? They must be great snake oil salesmen.

N T 5.0 came out in 2000 with 63,000 defects. Microsoft managed to release bug fixes called Service Packs in order to fix any problems which might arise while using one’s computer.

They rushed out a next generation operating system, in October 2001, called N T 5.1 or Windows X P. All of their new features , including multiple users, came from Mac OS 9, in 1999. Even some of the icons looked like Mac OS 9 icons. The system has about 40,000,000 lines of code. With processors of 2.0 G hz & RAM of 1.5 G B, the system is excruciatingly slow.

But you see, Microsoft slaps code on top of code & it’s all a mishmash of over coded bloat. UNIX operates with just over 1,000,000 lines of code. They have to add features which almost no one would even think of using. It’s like the dolts in Yankee Stadium, who used to stack up beer cups until they fell down into another stadium level. Nothing is sturdy. It’s like constantly building a new roof over an older one & a nother one & another one, but there’s no real foundation. A heavy snow comes & the roof collapses.

Windows Vista will be the bane of Microsoft. 512 M B of RAM cannot handle it. It would need about 5 G B of RAM to run with some comfort.

Linux, a UNIX kernel is a great bet, as is UNIX-Based Mac OS X, as both are stable. Windows, I believe, is at the breaking point. Maybe it’s time for Microsoft to make a product which sucks, which will leave people cheering.

It’s called a vacuum cleaner.

Mets Win & Red Sox Win-’86 Redux is next.

Click on Title for Peter's All Encompassing Red Sox Blog.

The Schill is Back & so is Tommy Glavine.


Saturday, April 01, 2006

"The Green Monster Beckons" (So Does Shea Stadium)

“The Monster Is Calling Me & Others”

Sunday Night is Baseball’s Opening Night, made for Cable & Satellite Television, but who cares, as Monday is the Real Opener of The Baseball Season.

I was in a Wendy’s Hamburger Place @ the corner of Metropolitan Avenue & Woodhaven Boulevard, on the East Glendale-Forest Hills Border in Queens. I was donning a Red Sox Cap & had finished my meal.

One table over, a couple of Bona Fide NY Mets Fans from Queens, were chowing down on the fare. I spotted them & they spotted me & we talked for a bit.

The guy was looking to get Red Sox Tickets for sometime this season.

You in the New England Area, may not know this, but REAL NY METS Fans, also root for a team which plays in a sweet Major League Ball Park, which is bounded by Van Ness Street & Landsdowne Street. They share with you, an incredible hostility towards THAT team in The Bronx.

1986 was only a quarrel, mercifully short-lived.

I will probably go to Fenway, once this season. I need to, badly.

I refuse to spend my money on a team, owned by George Costanza’s Boss.

Red Sox Nation’s NY Home-In-Exile, is located @ 126th Street & Roosevelt Avenue, in an area not as charming as the area by Fenway Park, but it is Allied & NOT Enemy Territory. Red Sox Caps are a common sight @ Shea Stadium, but more-so when either Pedro Martinez or Tom Glavine, are the starting pitchers.

The fan, his gal & I, talked baseball & plans to get tickets @ both Shea & Fenway.

My 1st Game in Shea Stadium, will be a Sunday Night E S P N Game with The Team In The Bronx, which we mutually despise.

I’m aiming for Saturday, 06/17/06 , when “The Carmine Hose” face the Philadelphia Phillies @ Fenway Park. It’ll be a real Baseball Weekend as the Mets & Orioles will be in Shea Stadium, where I’ll be the night before Fenway.

The Green Monster is Calling a lot of us.

Click on title for a funny Red Sox Fan Site.
